a bit about me
I’m Clare Carrick, a qualified nutritionist and founder of loop nutrition.
I completed a Bachelor of Health Sciences with distinction (Nutrition and Health Promotion) at Deakin University, and I am a member of the Nutrition Society of Australia.
I’m passionate about the power that nutrition has on the quality of our lives, both physically and mentally, and I’m a firm advocate for preventative health.
The growing body of evidence illustrating the positive effect a nutritious diet can have on our mental, gut, and brain health is something that I find completely fascinating.
My goals
One of my primary goals is to educate and empower individuals to make realistic and sustainable changes to their diet, helping them lead their best lives. I believe in a holistic approach, and will address sleep, physical activity, and stress, along with nutrition, when seeking solutions to your problems.
my world
As a mum to two very busy little girls, I understand the importance of simple and practical advice that you can implement without adding stress to your existing lifestyle. I believe that you can know all there is to know about nutrition, but if it doesn’t fit in with your lifestyle, that knowledge will not translate to improvements in your health. I will always work closely with you to identify the most valuable strategies to help you to live your best life.
My beliefs
I believe that our diets cannot, and should not, be reduced to a calorie-counting exercise, because food is so much more than that. Food is delicious, sociable, comforting, cultural, and energy-giving, and my task is to help you incorporate all of this into your life, whilst at the same time, optimising your health outcomes.
Bachelor of Health Sciences with distinction (Nutrition and Health Promotion) - Deakin University
Low FODMAP Diet for Irritable Bowel Syndrome certification - Monash University
Food and Mood: Improving Mental Health Through Diet and Nutrition - Deakin University and FutureLearn
PSY01ucX: Mental Health and Nutrition - University of Canterbury